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17 Tháng mười 2022
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17 Tháng mười 2022
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1 Tháng tư 1989 (Tuổi: 35)

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17 Tháng mười 2022
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    Sinh nhật:
    1 Tháng tư 1989 (Tuổi: 35)
    But God Wu Hou or slow, these people rushed into the "military department", has reported the heart of death, almost instantly, detonated the things on the body, several people violently exploded. Only this time, the military department did not turn into ruins, the power of the Marquis, protected the entire military department. "Damn it." See clearly the situation inside the military department, with the stability of the God Wu Hou, also can't help but angrily rebuke a military department, although intact, but a lot of files and amulets, as well as the review of the military text, but in the bombing, smashed. These few people, simply did not hope to be able to blow up the big Wu Hou of Wu Li Tao. As soon as they came in, they stood in a good position and chose these fragile, but extremely important documents, files, and amulets. Just then, a violent explosion came from the Ministry of War. Inside the military department, God Wu Hou, fierce Wu Hou, brave Wu Hou body at the same time a shock, Huo stood up, his face showed a look of extreme shock. "Damn it." An extremely angry roar, broke the sky on the capital,juice filling machine, all in the extreme rage of the long roar, violent shaking to feel the tragic situation of the Ministry of war yamen, and all the ministers, no lucky result of the existence of several big Wu Hou heart rose at the same time, an uncontrollable heartache and anger. Although they belong to different places, and since ancient times, there has been a saying that "civil and military officials despise each other", but at this moment, feeling the heavy losses of the Ministry of War and the ministers, the hearts of several Wu Hou still rose a common pain. At this moment, even the incarnation of Yingwu Hou Wang Xichao,bottle blowing machine, the heart is extremely shocked. "The whole Yamen." How dare they do that? Even this ancient hero, this moment was also shocked, this is no longer "arrogant" can be so simple to describe these sects, has reached the point of lawlessness, no longer cover up. "Not good" Suddenly thought of something, Wang Xichao's heart sank, immediately to go out, but too late. Boom, boom Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Punishment, Ministry of Personnel three Yamen, at the same time issued three loud noises, followed by a long silence. Inside the Imperial City, the Hall of Supreme Harmony Taibao, dressed in a white Confucian costume, hunts and dances. He stands with his hands on his back. He stands at the top of the long white jade steps, commanding a commanding position, overlooking the steps. Another man is walking slowly. His expression is indescribably cold. "Siji Demon Suzerain, you are also a descendant of the Five Ancient Emperors. I hope you really understand what you are doing." Taibao looked at the man under the cold steps and said coldly. Ten feet away from the steps, water bottling line ,PET blow moulding machine, the man suddenly stopped, raised his head, revealing a familiar face, impressively is the suzerain of the four-pole demon sect. "Descendants of the Five Emperors." The four-pole demon suzerain murmured, repeated several times, and shook his head: How many people still remember that the five emperors have become legends? This time, I agreed to the request of Chaos Lao Zu. I did it in person not because I wanted to get my hands on the Central Plains, but because I was just a descendant of Emperor Yu. I was too ambitious. When he razed the eight wastelands, I'm afraid we, the descendants of the five emperors, would have to disappear completely. It's better to take the initiative than to wait for death. This is also a helpless move. "What a sitting duck! When did the descendants of the Five Emperors become so afraid of death?" Taibao said coldly, his eyes were as cold as the light of a knife. "We have no right to comment on what our ancestors did, but we are not our ancestors. No matter what kind of reasons or excuses, we can't stop them. We will pass on the blood of the emperor. Moreover, the sacrifices made by our ancestors for the sake of the sacred continent of China are enough. There is no reason for our descendants to continue to sacrifice." No matter how big the reason is, it can't be an excuse to block the survival of Siji Demon Sect Suzerain Ping Jingdao. "Without the idea of killing the body in benevolence and feeding the eagle with the body, how can we reach the realm of the five emperors? No wonder the emperors are in the same vein. Although they have all the skills, no one has reached the realm of the emperor since the emperor. Since you have thought very thoroughly, then do it." Taibao said in a deep voice "Lord Taibao, I have offended you." With a slight salute, the Lord of the Siji Demon Sect left in a flash of lightning. "Bang" Five fingers, one grasp, one shot, on the steps, a dim circle of light unfolded, two people immediately disappeared without a trace, sinking into the depths of the infinite space plane.. In the northeast corner of the imperial city, far from the inner garden of the imperial palace, the incense is thick and soaring into the sky. This is where the Imperial Ancestral Temple is located, where the emperors of the past Dynasties offered sacrifices to the earth and ancestors. The sacrifice of the royal family has always been presided over by the Confucian scholars who preside over this kind of sacrifice, and has always been undertaken by the great Confucian scholars with high moral standing. In the palace, these Confucian scholars are called "big son sacrifice wine". "Rites cannot be abolished. If rites and music are destroyed, the country will not be a country. Also, the important thing of a country is the sacrifice and the military." The Confucianists' emphasis on ritual and sacrifice shows that in the eyes of outsiders, the highest status of the Confucianists is undoubtedly the three public officials, but for the Confucians, the "big son's sacrificial wine" who masters the ritual of sacrifice is the existence of the highest status, which is more honorable than the court ministers. Even Sangong, when he sees the "Big Son Sacrifice Wine" who presides over the sacrifice, he should respectfully call him "Teacher". "Big Son Sacrifice Wine" has a very strict set of rules, every move, to be reasonable etiquette, in line with the Tao and the scope of activities, subject to strict restrictions, except for special things, almost absolutely can not step out of the northeast corner of the palace of the sacrificial place. "Big Son Sacrifice Wine" is not allowed to intervene in the government and appear in public. Therefore, outsiders know little about "Big Son Sacrifice Wine". Today, according to the convention, it is the time to hold the ceremony of sacrifice in the middle of the year. "Play Music" As soon as the voice fell, in the Imperial Ancestral Temple, the ancient music of "Jiushao" sounded, which was the music of the court in the period of the Five Emperors in ancient times. For the emperor, do not hear the sound, do not listen to the music of luxury, "Jiushao" is such a kind of music, not extravagant not licentious. Rumor has it that Jiushao was written by Fuxi, one of the three ancient emperors. Shenghuang Fuxi is the ancient emperor, not the sage, but also the first ancestor of the humanities, the founder of Confucianism, etiquette and enlightenment, all from Shenghuang Fuxi. Heard "Jiushao",water bottle packaging machine, the body of the emperor's heart, understanding the way of benevolence. This is the reason why the five emperors of ancient times defined Jiushao as the music of the court. The music of Jiushao was no longer played in the palace, but it became the music of sacrifice. (To be continued) www.dxsxs.com. Chapter 749 Confucian wine toast (the first watch) for a monthly ticket. "铛 ! " gzxilinear.com