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17 Tháng mười 2022
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17 Tháng mười 2022
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7 Tháng mười một 1990 (Tuổi: 33)

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MichelleBuie được nhìn thấy lần cuối:
17 Tháng mười 2022
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    7 Tháng mười một 1990 (Tuổi: 33)
    This discovery has inspired all the people of the giant race. This is the tenth mountain, the last one, and after the restoration, there will be changes! Na Xin's tone is a little trembling, "maybe, but it's related to Qiandielian!" He licked his lips and said earnestly, "Little Yanzi, you must help us." The last mountain and river was nearby, but at this time, Shi Yan stopped. He smiled and said, "Senior, if you find something, if you can get the dried lotus, do you have a share of it?" "Divide equally!" Naxin is very straightforward, laughing, "I know you are treacherous, but I like you, any benefits we get, we share equally, how?" "I know you don't lie." Shi Yan grinned and said happily, "Good!"! I'll do it here and repair the last remnant picture! Closing his eyes, his mental strength was once again in the mulberry, and he was carrying out the final repair work. A few days later, a fierce roar, from ten mountains made of ten thousand stones. Inside, the ten mountains and rivers, suddenly brilliant, faintly forming a pale blue circle of light, connecting the surrounding areas C. Immediately, ten mountains and rivers collapsed and fell straight into the ground. But inside the huge pit,fine bubble diffuser, it exploded again and again, and something emerged faintly. Ask for a monthly ticket! Ask for a monthly ticket!! Chapter 904 mysterious ancient city. Boom! A deafening roar came from the depths of the pit, as if something huge was about to emerge. ( m) The huge pit is huge, covering dozens of acres, deep in the middle of the ground, I do not know how deep, the internal gravity is hundreds of thousands of times, the deepest place, even to reach the realm of virtual God Naxin, dare not easily sneak in. The interior of the sixteen mountains and rivers is based on ten thousand stones. Once one end of the sixteen brackets of the injured Buddha lever sinks deep, under the influence of strong gravity,Lamella Plate Settler, the extremely heavy mountains and rivers fall to the bottom of the ground, which is amazing. In the terrible thunder, the sixteen mountains and rivers hit the ground like iron and stone, but in a moment, the sixteen mountains and rivers disappeared and fell deep into the ground. Sixteen deep pits appeared on the periphery, deep and evil, as if they contained great mystery. Shi Yan and the people of the giant clan, as well as Jester and Li Xiao, all came to the giant pit in the middle of the chalk, with strange faces, secretly expecting something. Half ring. A magnificent group of palaces emerged from the depths of the huge pit! The palace group is about ten acres in size, each building is made of ten thousand stones, and the city body is carved with complicated and indistinguishable patterns, which seems to hide a wonderful meaning. The palace has been built for a very long time, deep underground for many years, covered with dust and rubble, and has a very violent gravity field. Soon, the whole huge and magnificent palace emerged from the inside of the pit and finally sat on the top of the pit. The land around the huge pit squeezed toward the center of the chalk and held the palace abruptly. Suddenly, the huge pit disappeared and turned into some kind of strange cornerstone, which made the whole palace completely exposed. The walls of the palace are dark, disc air diffuser ,rapid sand filters, with four gates. The palace is also square, tens of meters high. Every gate is open, and there are four spacious roads extending to the interior of the palace. Every road is very wonderful, and like other places, there is no very strong gravity field. (724 hours of uninterrupted updates of pure txt hand-written novel m) The palace is very mysterious, except for the four roads leading to the interior, the surrounding gravity field is very obvious, hundreds of times stronger than the surface, but once standing on any of the four roads, it is immediately unaffected by the gravity field. Na Xin and Shi Yan and others, are shocked inexplicably, staring at the palace floating up from the underground, do not know how to deal with. I think we can go in and have a look. After a long time, see all abnormal disappear, Shiyan waited for a while, see still no other changes, can not help but speak to remind. Na Xin repeatedly nodded, his eyes stunned: "It is time to look inside." Then he took the lead in walking to a road leading to the city. Shi Yan is also unwilling to lag behind, indifferent smile, secretly condensed the strength out, and Na Na Xin together, toward the city. Covering an area of ten acres, the palace group is like a palace. There are hundreds of houses of different sizes and neat streets inside. Each house is cut by ten thousand stones. There are various patterns on the walls, which fit perfectly with ten thousand stones and contain unknown wonders. Surprisingly, inside the palace, the gravity is still normal, even hundreds of times lower than the gravity on the surface of Koran. Secretly sensed, Shiyan found that the degree of gravity here was extremely consistent with the normal life star of the Flaming Star Field and the Divine Grace Continent, and seemed to be completely unaffected by the Koran Star. Surprised, he released his divinity and quickly searched the whole palace, shaking his head, "There are no living people." "There are no living people." Naxin nodded, "but there are many bones." 。 On the streets, in many houses, there are decayed skeletons, some of which are huge, like huge alien, demon and demon people, and some of which are very small, only the height of human children. Hundreds of corpses were scattered all over the city, some in the streets, some in the houses, and the shapes of the bones were also varied. Some skeletons, in small groups on the street, seemed to be talking, and some in the shops along the street, seemed to be bargaining for goods. m There are also skeletons, which are in a special training ground, practicing penance in a sitting posture to understand the profound meaning of power. Thousands of skeletons filled every corner, as if they were doing their own thing, unaware of what would happen. And the disaster, seems to come in an instant, no one can predict, may be in an instant, all the people in the city are dead, one does not fall. Jester touched a skeleton, touched it with his finger, and the skeleton turned into a ground of bone powder, which dissipated directly. His face suddenly sank, he changed color slightly, and he said, "I don't know how many years it's been rotten, at least.." At least tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, no matter how strong the existence can not withstand the corrosion of time,Wall Penstocks, after the strength is exhausted, fragile. The clansmen of Li Xiao and the giant clan also investigated one after another, and the result was the same. khnwatertreatment.com