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17 Tháng mười 2022
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17 Tháng mười 2022
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7 Tháng chín 1990 (Tuổi: 33)

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JenniferGilden được nhìn thấy lần cuối:
17 Tháng mười 2022
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    7 Tháng chín 1990 (Tuổi: 33)
    "Must I stay in Wudang Mountain?" "Yes, but only three days." "Is my existence an obstacle to the auspicious day's plan to enter Guiyuan Temple?" "Your Excellency does not seem to understand the extent of his strength." The young man sighed, "I don't know how many sects will be jealous of a monastic genius like you.". Moreover.. He hesitated for a moment and stopped talking. I won the bet. You shouldn't have made a move on me. "Brother Yi's return to yuan Temple is to make trouble for my auspicious day. I have to leave you here." Yi Tianxing shook his head helplessly, turned and shook his spirits, pulled the hem of his ragged clothes with his hand, spread out his right palm in front of him, and pointed to the little childe standing in the dark like ink. Please "Please!" As soon as the words were spoken, the tiptoes of the two men gave a gentle pause on the stone beam at the same time, and at the same time, they started to fight on the dangerous ground of Wudang, where the column was burning with light incense. The so-called hands, but also to the palm. A palm, two people a touch is divided, like two butterflies fluttering in the wind, in the unpredictable air flow, the wings gently touch, then fly away. In this flash of lightning, Yi Tianxing unreservedly handed over the fire yuan in his body to the warm palm of the other side. He would not feel pity for the young man because of his weakness. He is not a fool. He knows what the young son of the auspicious heaven means to the spiritual world. So he unreservedly carried the Sanwei Sutra of meditation and turned his fire into several undercurrents to attack the other side. Unfortunately,stainless steel welded pipe, it did not have any effect. The little childe's palm is glittering and translucent, and I don't know what kind of thing is covered with it, but it can keep the extremely high temperature Huoyuan of Yi Tianxing firmly out of the palm. And at the moment when the two men were fighting, the little childe's right tail finger flicked, and several empty shadows came to Yi Tianxing with their strength. Yi Tianxing twisted his body, but it was difficult to defeat the other side's elusive means, and he suffered a few heavy blows between his waist and abdomen. Fortunately,mirror stainless steel sheet, he was indestructible, and these knife-like shadows only made his ragged clothes even more pitiful. Just for a moment, the two men touched and separated again, facing each other again at the two ends of the dragon head incense stone beam. The two men let out a cry of surprise at the same time, as if they had found something incredible. What's that on your hand? Yi Tianxing asked. "Gloves made of natural silk," replied the young man. He put his hands in front of his face and looked at it carefully. He found that his gloves, which were not afraid of fire and water, had been roasted yellow by the sky fire of Yi Tianxing. He could not help feeling a little heartache. He said, "I am good at refining utensils and making treasures. I think Brother Yi has heard of it.". I just don't know what kind of clothes brother Yi is wearing to be invulnerable to bullets. Yi Tianxing smiled, knowing that the other party did not understand his abnormal physical strength, so he did not answer rather ungentlemanly. Instead, he said, 304 Stainless Steel Wire ,Brushed Stainless Steel Sheet, "What other treasures do you have? Let me open my eyes." Although this is a joke, but it is also true that he is a little happy to see hunting, do not know what treasure can be on the body of the auspicious little childe who is famous for refining utensils. Dressed in black, the young man stood on the cliff of Wudang Mountain, which was shrouded in darkness. He looked even more clear and calm. So offended. I don't know how an orchid grass was born in the air. It floated slowly on the palm of the young childe's open hand, and quickly drifted down the cliff. In the process of falling, the color of the orchid grass gradually withered, and its branches gradually withered, turning from green to yellow, as if it had experienced a cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter. As the orchid grass broke into powder, the little childe spread out the top of the palm of the jade, gently emerged a light smoke like green jade. Yi Tianxing's pupils shrank slightly, and he recognized that this was a powerful thing that Qin Zi used to subdue himself on the bank of the North River at the foot of the Seven Eyes Bridge. He could not help taking a deep breath. With five fingers of his right hand, he turned the fire in his body into several beautiful red feathers and slowly drilled them out from the bottom of his nails. That day under the seven-eye bridge to Qin Zi display the true orchid string, Yi Tianxing has no way to deal with, after all, the other side of this magic weapon invisible, but can tie themselves. But today is different from the past, Yi Tianxing a few days ago in the small fish pond hidden practice, the heart has reached the top grade, at this time under the full alert, and then look at this little childe palm slightly holding the blue light, also not very afraid. He was not afraid because he believed he could see where the magic weapon was coming from. Yi Tianxing snorted, and a small spark appeared on the finger of the second finger in his left hand, which immediately touched his eyes. He did not know why he did so, although he was not afraid of fire, but such a grotesque behavior did not seem to come from his own mind, but from his own mind. Just before he did this, a hair on the back of his head began to ache strangely, which made his heart move and reminded him of the ancestral master's breath he felt in the back garden of Guiyuan Temple last night. Sparks splashed in front of his eyes, and when they dispersed, Yi Tianxing felt that his eyes were more keen than usual. Wudang Mountain, which was as dark as ink at night, seemed to show its true face in his eyes at this time. Clouds and mists were shrouded everywhere, and green forests and flowing water were mixed in the mountains. He looked at the blue smoke in the palm of the little childe's hand with a slight concentration, and thought about the method of dark luck. Like a fire tree, the seedling of true fire burning on his fingertips suddenly rose, shining the night sky around Laojun Rock in Wudang Mountain as if it were day. It was empty between the two people on the dragon head incense, but when Yi Tianxing burned with the sky fire,Stainless Steel Industrial Sheet, it made a strange hissing sound, as if something was burning, but nothing could be seen. The pale blue smoke in the palm of the little childe's hand was even lighter at this time. Can you see Zhen Lan Xian? The young man was a little surprised. sxthsteel.com