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17 Tháng mười 2022
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17 Tháng mười 2022
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7 Tháng mười một 1990 (Tuổi: 33)

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CarmenHunter được nhìn thấy lần cuối:
17 Tháng mười 2022
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    7 Tháng mười một 1990 (Tuổi: 33)
    Zhang Yang was a little disgusted with this sentence. Guoan was like this. When he used Lao Tzu, he tried his best to move forward. When he used it up, he abandoned it like a bad shoe. I was excluded from all the inside stories. Zhang Yang did not ask questions. People were reluctant to say that he did not regard himself as a member of the organization. Next time, it would be strange if Lao Tzu contributed to you! Shortly after Zhang Yang left, Gu Jiatong was also called to the study by her father. Facing her father, she seemed somewhat perturbed and called out cautiously: "Dad!" Gu Yunzhi nodded and pointed to the rattan chair that Zhang Yang had just sat on: "Sit down!" Gu Jiatong sat down and whispered, "Dad has something to do with me." Gu Yun knows: "Did you give up the bid for the Dongjiang Textile Department Store plot because of Mingjian?" Gu Jiatong did not speak. Gu Yunzhi sighed and said, "Even if you don't say something, someone will tell me." Gu Jiatong said, "Dad, in fact, the reason why I gave up the bidding for this piece of land this time is not just because of Mingjian. I have considered it comprehensively. This piece of land involves too many aspects. It is not simply a commercial competition. I am worried that after taking this piece of land, it will bring you unnecessary trouble!" Gu Yunzhi smiled faintly: "To do things in China,warehouse pallet racks, especially when it comes to the government's business practices, is there anything that is purely commercial competition?"? Can it be said that you took over the third ring road project in Jiangcheng without any political factors? Gu Jiatong was speechless in a word. Although his father seldom asked about her business, he was still observant. Gu Jiatong whispered, "Dad.". You can rest assured that I will handle this matter well and will never bring you any negative impact. Gu Yunzhi looked at his daughter and said meaningfully, "Do you think Dad is a person who is afraid of negative influences?"? I am worried that your enthusiasm and goodwill will be used by some people with ulterior motives. I will let Mingjian withdraw from the opening of the textile department store plot. He paused for a moment and then said,industrial racking systems, "Did Zhang Yang ask you to participate in the Jiangcheng Third Ring Road Project?" Gu Jiatong did not speak, which was tantamount to acquiescing in the matter. Gu Yunzhi sighed and said, "This is because some people buy insurance for themselves." He was talking about Li Changyu. The political storm in Jiangcheng has made the current municipal leaders more cautious. Whether it is acting mayor Zuo yuanchao or executive vice mayor Li Changyu, they all work for stability. Gu Yunzhi, as the secretary of the provincial Party committee, has many sources of information. As early as when Hong Weiji handed over the Third Ring Road Project to Li Changyu, someone reported to him. Gu Yunzhi's first reaction was that Hong Weiji was balancing and using Li Changyu to balance Zuo yuanchao. Gu Yunzhi was not disgusted with this political balance of power. What really alerted him to this matter was that someone had reported Hong Weiji, Secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, a few days ago. The relationship between Hong Weiji and Fang Wennan was unusual, heavy duty cantilever racks ,Teardrop Pallet Racking, and Fang Wennan was the contractor of the Third Ring Road Project. He is also a collaborator of his daughter. From this, Gu Yunzhi concluded that Hong Weiji handed over the Third Ring Road Project to Li Changyu not only to balance. His real intention is to use Li Changyu to create opportunities for Fang Wennan, and he can get out of the way. Li Changyu lets Gu Jiatong intervene in this matter through publicity, which is not only a check and balance to Zuo yuanchao, but also a guarantee to himself. There are so many complicated things behind a simple bidding project that Gu Yunzhi doesn't like it very much. Although the preliminary investigation shows that Hong Weiji doesn't have any financial problems, Gu Yunzhi is still worried that he doesn't want his daughter to be used. After Gu Jiatong understood her father's concerns, she had no intention of withdrawing from the matter. She whispered: "Dad, you can rest assured that I will strictly control the whole project and strive to make no mistakes in any link. Fang Wennan's way of doing business is still very legitimate. Apart from other relationships, his Shengshi Group meets the requirements of government bidding in terms of hardware and software.". ()” When Gu Yunzhi heard her daughter say this, she gave up her plan to withdraw from the Jiangcheng Third Ring Road Project and whispered, "Wei Zhicheng has been here these days when you went to Jiangcheng!" Gu Jiatong's face suddenly changed. She bit her lip and said, "I've already drawn up the divorce agreement. I'm just waiting for him to sign it!" Gu Yunzhi pursed his lips and whispered, "He has liver cancer, and he still has one year to live at most!" Gu Jiatong was stunned, she did not expect such a result. Gu Yun knows: "Perhaps you should reconsider this matter!" Zhang Daguanren's enthusiasm for learning is unprecedentedly high, which has something to do with Li Changyu's previous reminder that in today's era when everything is about academic qualifications, he must keep learning, which is called charging according to the current fashion. Zhang Yang relied on his good eloquence and the teachers of the provincial party school soon became one. This time, there were many students with cars, but Zhang Yang was the only one who dared to drive a jeep commander so ostentatiously. This fellow's license plate was also very powerful, Ping A12345. This license plate was given to him by Gu Jiatong through connections. By the way, he also got a pass for the provincial Party committee compound. It is not difficult for a discerning person to figure out the identity of the car owner when he sees the license plate. Zhang Yang signed up for a correspondence class at the provincial party school. He only needed to concentrate on studying twice a year, which added up to less than a month. For this matter, he also specially invited several teachers to Wuyue family to have a few meals. Through Fang Wennan's relationship, he was quite familiar with yuan Bo, the boss of Wuyue family. He had already made Wuyue family the first place he signed the bill at will in Dongjiang. After class on Wednesday, Zhang Yang had planned to go to Dongjiang Normal University to pick up his sister Zhao Jing for dinner. On the way, he received a call from Gu Jiatong. Gu Jiatong was at the Blue Sea headquarters. It was raining outside, and her Mercedes Benz was sent for maintenance, so he asked Zhang Yang to pick her up. Zhang Yang came to the Jinyang building parking lot,drive in racking system, Gu Jiatong received a phone call has come to wait below, opened the door and sat in, Qiao face shrouded in a faint look of worry. Zhang Yang touched her slender hand. "What's the matter?" He whispered? Not going well at work? Gu Jiatong shook his head and motioned for Zhang Yang to drive out. jracking.com